Social Media Management
Everyone now knows what social media networks are, but not everyone is yet aware of why they are so important for companies. Trust is not measurable as a KPI.
Most companies have realized that social media has come to stay, and have already created accounts on at least one or two networks. However, very few companies manage to find enough time and have regular communication with followers on the platforms. This is often the case because companies have little time beyond their day-to-day business to successfully design and expand their own channels. Many also lack the experience, knowledge or simply the desire to sufficiently design social media accounts. Yet a single successful account can have a huge impact and alone be responsible for above-average corporate success.

Social Media Marketing in 2022
If you don't invest enough in your social media channels and thus in your future today, you may be excluded and have problems tomorrow. If your business has been around for some time, you surely know how important it is to keep up with the times. If you're not on social media, you're already failing to reach certain target audiences today and even risk losing existing customers to competitors who are active there. With a successful social media account, you reach new users and potential buyer groups every day. Social media is the place where customers become attached to brands and where trust is established between users and customers. The relationship with users transforms the purely business relationship into a personal relationship between brand and customer. This is how you as a company manage to bind your customers and turn them into long-term existing customers. This means social media is inevitable, both for acquiring new customers and for building loyalty with existing customers.
With an Instagram account, for example, we can very quickly get in touch with users in the right target group and win them over as fans with the right approach. This is how we manage to generate new prospects and customers for your brand. Likewise, with news, actions and information-bound communication, we can further bind existing followers and strengthen their brand interest. The built trust grows every day and is enormously important. The mere existence of social media accounts shows customers that there is someone here for them, and there is a place for quick communication should there ever be a concern. An account with lots of followers and likes provides the perfect "social proof". When someone new becomes aware of your brand and sees there are already tens of thousands of people on social media trusting in the brand, the hurdle to a purchase is a small one.
But how does that work?
Basically, a social media account needs constant attention and input to permanently attract new fans and keep the old fans. Social media is fast, vibrant and the competition is there. It's important to know exactly how the algorithms behind the networks work, and what proper behavior looks like to be favored by them over other accounts. It is an art to organically gain new users as followers on a daily basis, and to constantly get in touch with new users. The content that is posted on one's account must be interesting, visually appealing and adapted to the right target group. Only those who deliver the right combination of appealing content and the right behavior in the network can be successful.
Es gibt bereits ein breites Angebot an Accounts, denen Usern folgen können, warum sollten Sie Deinem Account folgen? Dieser Frage nehmen wir uns an und finden die richtigen Strategien für Content und Auftreten im Netzwerk, sowie die richtigen Influencer für Partnerschaften. Mit diesen Influencern konzipieren wir dann, passend zur Account Strategie und der CI, ansprechenden, lebhaften und authentischen Content. Die Influencer schaffen es, Produkte und Deine Marke lebhaft in den Content einzubauen.
There is already a wide range of accounts that users can follow, why should they follow your account? We address this question and find the right strategies for content and behavior in the network, as well as the right influencers for partnerships. With these influencers, we then design engaging, lively and authentic content to match the account strategy and CI. The influencers manage to integrate products and your brand vividly into the content.

Produce content
Influencers produce content, are product and brand partners, and act as ambassadors for your brand. The right set of influencers ensures both sufficient "user generated content" and a large reach. This "user generated content" triggers emotions in followers and viewers, which hardly ever happens with conventional brand content. Social media users also see this type of content less as advertising and more as native content, as it seamlessly blends in with the content posted by influencers. It is important to have the right amount of influencer collaborations to always have enough and varied content. Image and video content should be delivered here. Everything is always contractually regulated by us with the influencers to ensure usage rights and to enable use beyond the social media channels. "User generated content" namely also gives a lively touch to the website or print media.
The next advantage on top of content is the reach and attention that influencers bring to your business. Influencers are opinion leaders and have more influence on buying decisions than ever before. Their followers have a strong relationship of trust with them. Companies also create this effect of trust, with their accounts, when they are in contact with users over a longer period of time. Influencers can make authentic recommendations to their followers. The social proof that influencers provide to companies is enormous. If you are in cooperation with an influencer, this strengthens the public reputation and trust in a brand, similar to a celebrity. Your brand thus manages to penetrate a whole other level of trust, not only with fans, but with all the people who know the influencer. Influencers therefore deliver trust, reach and content, and thus play an important role, in the further development of brands and their social media accounts.

Three important factors
So a perfect social media account needs the right mix of three things. First, good behavior in the network is favored by the algorithm. Second, the right content to be able to deliver visually appealing and interesting content to new and old followers. And third, enough time invested to show activity and interact with users and influencers. We can build successful channels for your company completely and without any additional work. From posts in the feed and story to content sourcing, community management and network interaction, we do it all for your company. All of it.
Social Media Management
Case Study

Account manager
The account manager is responsible for account management and account setup. He or she writes and publishes all posts in the feed and story, takes care of the community and interacts with influencers and followers.

Influencer partner
To get authentic content for the account, it needs influencer collaborations. These provide reach and so-called "user-generated content". The influencers are engaged and managed by the Influencer Manager.

Project manager
A project manager is always directly involved as project manager and takes over the communication with your company. He will provide the most important information as well as evaluations and keep track of everything.
Over 400,000 followers organically gained for the Instagram account -
+100,000 new followers per year.
Project description: In addition to the goal of gaining as many followers as possible, the goal is to achieve reach and branding for Animals Influence. Furthermore, it is about winning influencers for content collaborations and spreading the hashtag #AnimalsInfluence, which was created by us and already has over 500,000 posts on Instagram. New customers and partners have been acquired through the account. The branding and reach are huge and the opportunities that open up are great. The social proof through over 400,000 followers speaks for itself. Every day, new users are acquired as fans who become aware of Animals Influence and the Instagram account.
New follower each year
"SKYLL GmbH has been managing our Instagram account for almost three years. In this way, they contribute to the acquisition of new customers. Due to their at all times very satisfactory work, and the extremely professional appearance, the cooperation has always been ideal."
- Holger Schenck // Founder und CEO Animals Influence (Clipslicense GmbH)